Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA)

The Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) governs forest and range activities on public lands in B.C. during forest planning, road building, timber harvesting, reforestation and livestock grazing.

FRPA applies to all public forest and range lands and to anyone who holds an agreement under the Forest Act or Range Act. It also applies to private land associated with woodlots licences and tree farm licences.

Recent changes to FRPA

Ongoing changes to FRPA will ensure it better reflects our new vision for B.C. forests by increasing local control and prioritizing forest health. These changes will also help B.C. take full advantage of future economic opportunities through long-term planning. Learn about recent changes on this page.

Recent changes to FRPA

Understanding FRPA

Understanding FRPA

Understanding the FRPA architecture is important when determining what is required of agreement holders and how the public and First Nations communities have opportunities for engagement.

Regulations supporting FRPA

Regulations supporting FRPA

There are a wide range of regulations that support FRPA. Learn more about key regulations and resources.

Implementation tools

FRPA Implementation Tools

FRPA implementation is achieved through a range of policy tools, such as bulletins, guidance documents, and letters of expectations. Learn up-to-date information and links to these documents.