Pennsylvania Warrant Search

Yes, According to Pa. Code Rule 212 and Pa. Code Rule, 513 warrants are public records in Pennsylvania. Arrest warrants are made public 72 hours after they are issued or immediately after being executed and are available for public inspection upon request. search warrants are made public only after they are executed. Unexecuted search warrants are not public records in Pennsylvania because premature disclosure of search warrant records can lead to injury or loss of life of the executing officers. Unexecuted search warrants are destroyed by the issuing authority, especially in cases where the wanted person was later absolved of the alleged offense. If a Pennsylvania criminal record is expunged, all warrants associated with the case may also be exempt from public disclosure.

What is Considered a Warrant in Pennsylvania?

A Pennsylvania warrant is issued by a judge to allow law enforcement to take a particular action that would otherwise be illegal. Typically, warrants are used to arrest or search someone because of a criminal investigation or to make a person adhere to a court order. As such, the state courts can issue several kinds of warrants, including an arrest warrant, search warrant, bench warrant, failure to pay warrant, and more. Each kind serves a different judicial purpose.

However, before a Pennsylvania judge can release any warrant, the officer requiring the writ must show probable cause-else the warrant, and any execution of it, will be unlawful. Probable cause means that the officer provides reasons for the arrest, seizure, or search to a judge (usually by a written affidavit), and the judicial officer determines that it is sufficient to allow the requested action. Nevertheless, a warrant can also be issued upon indictment by a grand jury or by a judge to bring a person to court to explain their actions (e.g., skipping a court date, failing to pay child support, or violating a probation order).

A warrant will usually feature the personal data of the wanted person, including the full name, height, weight, eye color, and race. Public warrants (like wanted notices) will also feature the contact information of the relevant arresting agency and details of the outstanding warrant to caution the public or make them aware of their criminal history.

How to Find Out if You Have a Warrant in Pennsylvania?

Finding out about a warrant in Pennsylvania is easy. Because the police will not always inform a person of the warrant, the courts and local law enforcement agencies provide several means for residents to conduct Pennsylvania warrant searches on their own.

The Pennsylvania State Police offers PATCH, which stands for Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History. Individuals can obtain criminal history information on themselves or others from this repository, but they must pay a non-refundable fee per request. It costs $22 to use the online PATCH database, $20 for mail requests, and $5 for a notarized copy. This fee is waived if the searcher is a volunteer, but the individual cannot get a notarized copy.

Alternatively, an interested party looking for generic warrant information can visit a county sheriff's department to view the most wanted list of that locality. This list will typically display a person's full name, offense, last known address, warrant number, and issuing date. Sometimes, it may be possible to view warrant information on a sheriff's website. For instance, Montgomery County's sheriff's office displays active bench warrants on their website.

On the other hand, anyone who wants to conduct a free Pennsylvania warrant search without calling or visiting a law enforcement agency may use the Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portal. This repository offers statewide warrant searches. However, the searcher must create an account to use the service. Persons without internet access can also place a call to a local court clerk's office to find outstanding warrants. Checking an official county's website may also yield warrant information, e.gCentre County's website displays a list of persons who have outstanding bench warrants for the nonpayment of support.

Records of warrants issued or executed in various jurisdictions are also maintained and by third-party websites. While third-party sites make accessing these records substantially easier, the information available on the sites may vary since they are not government run sources. To obtain warrant records from a third-party site, the requesting party may be required to provide:

How Long Does a Warrant Stay Active in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, most warrants do not have expiration dates. Typically, a warrant will remain outstanding until the subject surrenders, is arrested by the police, passes away, or a judge recalls it. As these writs do not go away on their own, a person can only go so far as to avoid them. For one, the existence of the warrant allows the police to arrest or detain a person at any time and place, whether it is convenient for the subject of the warrant or not. Secondly, intentionally avoiding a warrant can lead to severe penalties from the law, one being that a person can lose their freedom for a while.

Moreover, warrants are public information. This means that a quick warrant search or request for a person's criminal record will produce all lingering warrants against the person, whether the concerned individual knows about them or not. This can create legal and financial issues in one's life. Therefore, upon discovering any active warrant, it is best to hire counsel and surrender willingly to the court or police for one's peace of mind. This shows cooperation with the law and legal procedures. As such, the court may be more tolerant of the individual.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Warrant in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, warrants take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks to get. The time taken to get a warrant is dependent on the type of warrant that is to be issued. Warrants for criminal arrest usually only take a few hours to get especially if there is a serious offense and the individual that the warrant is placed on is a flight risk. An arrest warrant might take longer to get if law enforcement needs to gather evidence of probable cause during criminal investigations. A bench warrant is given directly from a judge when a person fails to show up for a court hearing or defies a court order, this warrant takes only a few minutes to be processed. Search warrants take a few days to process as law enforcement must prepare an affidavit to show the judge that probable cause exists to justify the search warrant.

How Do Search Warrants Work in Pennsylvania?

Under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I § 8 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, residents of the Commonwealth are safe from unreasonable governmental searches and seizures. As a result, no citizen of the country can be searched or have their things seized by the police or other government authority without reason.

Generally, a Pennsylvania search warrant allows the police to enter a private residence or property and seize evidence without requiring a person's consent. However, this warrant cannot be released unless the requesting officer demonstrates reasonable cause to a judge or magistrate, i.e., they will find evidence of a crime by searching the property. Without the warrant, any government official who searched and seized a person's property as proof of a crime can have that evidence thrown out (rejected) by the court in a criminal proceeding.

Still, there are situations where a warrantless search will not result in a suppression of evidence, including when:

Other than the basic search warrants, the courts can also issue anticipatory search warrants - that sometime in the future, evidence will be found at a certain place. (See Commonwealth v. Glass , 754 A.2d 655 (Pa. 2000) and 234 Pa. Code Rule 203(F))

Typically, Pennsylvania search warrants are served between 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Any performance between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is illegal unless authorized by a judge who determined that the probable cause shown for a nighttime search was sufficient. Also, these warrants expire two days from issuance (234 Pa. Code Rule 205), except for anticipatory search warrants that do not expire until the future event occurs.

How Does a Pennsylvania Search Warrant Become Invalid?

According to Title 234, Rule 205(A) of the Pennsylvania Code, a search warrant must be signed by a judicial officer and must:

Without these components, the warrant can be challenged on its merits in a court of law. If the court discovers that the warrant is invalid, any evidence obtained through the warrant becomes subject to the "exclusionary rule". That is, the evidence will be inadmissible in a criminal proceeding - which often leads to a suspect's exoneration.

How to Conduct an Active Warrant Search in Pennsylvania

Active warrants are held by local law enforcement agencies and courts in the jurisdiction where the warrant was issued. Some Pennsylvania counties allow interested persons to look up active warrants from any jurisdiction through a website maintained by the local county sheriff's office in the state. An example is Montgomery County which allows public searches for active warrants from its wanted person database. Other databases maintained by the county sheriff's offices also allow persons to search for active arrests and bench warrants only within their jurisdiction; an example is the York County warrant database. To perform a state-wide search for warrants individuals can use Pennsylvania unified judicial system portal. To use this portal inquirers will be required to create an account. Typically searching through any of these portals will require individuals to provide certain search keywords which may be first name, last name, or the date when the warrant was issued. An active warrant search will reveal the following details

Free Warrant Search Options in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, there are a number of free warrant search options available to the members of the public. Law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania usually maintain a database of wanted persons within their jurisdiction, interested persons can use these databases to find warrants for free. These portals are maintained by and supplied with information from county sheriff's offices so they are usually up to date. An example is the Lancaster County sheriff's Office warrant database. Inquirers can also visit any police department or county court clerk's office in the state to request a free warrant search in-person. A comprehensive and quick substitute for running a warrant search is third-party websites. Free warrant searches are not likely to have the authority necessary to acquire some records, though. So, those who are interested are encouraged to think about paying for searches or using subscription-based services.

Arrest Warrant in Pennsylvania: Rules of Procedure

In Pennsylvania, an arrest warrant can be issued after a criminal complaint or grand jury indictment. Either way, there must be probable cause before a judge or magistrate can release this warrant type. This means that the judge must agree with the affiant's justification for the warrant, i.e., an individual allegedly violated the state's penal code and, as such, should be prosecuted in a criminal court. Title 234, Chapter 5, PART B(3) of the Pennsylvania Code directs the issuance and execution of these warrants within the Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania arrest warrants are executable anytime and anywhere, and remain active until a person's arrest or surrender. Therefore, anyone who conducts a warrant search and finds such writ, or learns about it somehow, should try to quash it immediately to avoid a future arrest attempt. Clearing this warrant is also necessary because it will show up on a person's criminal record and affect employment, housing, immigration opportunities.

Since the arrest can often lead to a criminal proceeding, it is advisable to promptly hire a criminal defense lawyer, not just for help in vacating the warrant but also in defending the criminal charge(s).

Pennsylvania Child Support Arrest Warrants: What You Need to Know

A child support arrest warrant allows the police to detain a delinquent payor (parent in default of child support payments) and bring them to court. Unlike the generic arrest warrants, a child support arrest warrant is often civil, as its purpose is to compel a noncustodial parent to attend a non-support hearing and pay the past-due amount. Hence, any jail sentence ordered is not meant as punishment but to force the parent to perform their duty to support.

Ordinarily, the court will not impose a legal penalty on the arrested individual unless the default was intentional, or so severe that federal or state prosecutors became involved. When an obligor is found in willful contempt of the court (i.e., the parent purposefully failed to comply with the support order), the party may incur the following penalties, according to 23 Pa.C.S. § 4345:

Furthermore, per 23 Pa.C.S. § 4354, the parent can be charged with a summary offense for willful nonsupport, or a third-degree misdemeanor if the parent fled to another state to avoid the support order and any of the following apply:

Pennsylvania Bench Warrants: Issuing and Arrests

A Pennsylvania bench warrant is a formal directive to apprehend a person who disregarded a court order. This warrant is issued by a judge (or district magistrate), and typically because someone failed to appear for a court hearing, failed to pay a court fine, cost, or restitution, or went against a court order (e.g., probation violation).

In the Commonwealth, the procedures for the release and execution of bench warrants are covered by Title 234, Chapter 1, Part E of the Pennsylvania Code. Per Rule 150 (A)(5)(b) of this chapter, a bench warrant can expire in Pennsylvania if its hearing is not held within 72 hours of an individual's detainment, or the close of the next working day if the 72 hour-deadline expires on a non-working day. However, if the bench warrant was issued against a minor witness (witness under 18 years of age), this time limit is 24 hours (Rule 150 (C)(2)).

Sometimes, residents will learn of bench warrants after being notified by the court by mail. However, people can still perform warrant searches occasionally using the methods described above.

Failure to Appear in Pennsylvania: Rules and Consequences

Anyone given a court hearing date in Pennsylvania is required to show up at the applicable court, as failing or refusing to do so can lead to the person's arrest. The courts can also impose penalties if the individual is a defendant in a criminal case or the nonappearance was willful.

According to 231 Pa. Code Rule 1910.13-1 and 237 Pa. Code Rule 140, a judge may issue a bench warrant for a Failure to Appear (FTA) if it finds that the accused had sufficient notice of the hearing and was still absent in court on the scheduled hearing date. With this warrant, the police can arrest the named individual at any time and take them to court.

How Long Do You Have to Stay in Jail for a Warrant for Missing Court in Pennsylvania?

When an individual misses a mandatory court appearance in Pennsylvania, the court can issue a bench warrant for their arrest. This means that the police can now arrest them anywhere, even at a simple traffic stop.

Anyone arrested on a bench warrant in Pennsylvania can spend up to 72 hours (three days) in jail before the court attends to their matter. After this hearing, the person may be released (with/without bail) or sentenced to jail, depending on the default. For example, if an obligor (parent liable for child support payments) misses court intentionally, the court can find them in contempt and assess a jail sentence of up to six months (23 Pa.C.S. § 4344).

In Pennsylvania, What is Failure to Pay?

When a person defaults on a court-ordered payment in Pennsylvania, the courts can release a warrant for the person's arrest. Failures to pay (FTPs) can also result in additional fines, property liens, driver's license suspensions, and more. Also, if the failure to pay was willful, the defaulting party can lose their freedom for up to six months.

No-Knock Warrant in Pennsylvania: General Laws

Typically, with search warrants and per the Fourth Amendment, law enforcement officers must notify residents of their presence before intruding. However, there are concessions to this law, one being the "no-knock" warrant.

A no-knock warrant is a kind of search warrant that directs police officers to enter someone's home without first announcing themselves or their purpose. Like other warrants, there must be a good reason for a judge or magistrate to issue a no-knock warrant. The generally acceptable grounds are as follows:

When the notification will lead to the destruction of evidence, compromise an officer's or individual's safety, or cause a suspect to flee.

However, Pennsylvania does not explicitly permit no-knock warrants. Indeed, no judicial officer can issue a search warrant that opposes 234 Pa. Code Rule 207, the Commonwealth's "knock and announce rule".

Under Rule 207, the police must notify residents of their intrusion and, after such notice, wait a reasonable time for a response. The police can only enter forcibly in exigent circumstances or if the officer is not admitted after a reasonable period. (Also, see superior court case: Commonwealth v. Grubb, 407 Pa. Superior Ct. 78, 595 A.2d 133 (1991).)

How to Perform a Federal Warrant Search

Federal warrants are held in the Warrant Information System (WIN) managed by the US Department of Justice and US federal courts. However, the WIN cannot be searched by members of the public. Access to the information featured in this system is restricted to authorized law enforcement agencies. Notwithstanding, several privately owned databases aggregate public warrant information into a single resource accessible to the public. These databases can be searched by the full name of the person of interest, and any information pertaining to a warrant will be generated for the user. In most cases, this is a paid service.

Does Pennsylvania DMV Check for Warrants?

Yes, the DMV in Pennsylvania checks for warrants related to traffic infractions as a standard procedure when renewing licenses or registering new driver's licenses. In Pennsylvania, the courts usually alert the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, which oversees all the DMV in the state, if an individual commits a traffic-related crime like a DUI. The DMV then places a hold on the individual's license preventing them from renewing their license or registering any vehicles. A bench warrant can also be placed on an individual that does not respond to a traffic ticket within ten days of its issuance.