How to plan a data migration project

Data migration is a complex process, requiring a robust methodology. The process in this data migration planning guide will help to minimise the risks inherent in a data migration project. It also dovetails neatly into the structure and requirements of most organisations.

1. Scope the project thoroughly

At the start of the project, scoping identifies potential issues that may occur later on. This enables the migration team to plan for any risks.

The aim of scoping is to thoroughly review the project before it starts. Our consultants divide the review into two parts: the project’s structure and its technical aspects.

The project review should evaluate the following areas:

The technical review is used to check the quality and appropriateness of:


2. Choose a robust data migration methodology

A clear methodology is an essential part of a successful data migration. Most companies who provide data migration services have their own methodology; ours consists of the pre-migration scoping mentioned above, followed by project assessments and a core migration process. Whatever its source, the methodology should include:

Read our example of a data migration methodology: click here.

3. Prepare the data meticulously

There are a number of phases of data preparation:

4. Ensure data security

Data security has become a high-profile issue, particularly with the advent of the GDPR. The migration team should create data security plans early on and embed them in the data migration plan. Areas to consider include:

5. Encourage business engagement

The backing of senior business leaders will improve the chances of a data migration project going smoothly and ensure that the team has the necessary resources. The key is to communicate that the purpose of the migration is to make the overall business more effective and efficient.

The project will benefit if:

These activities all incorporate data migration best practice, with the additional benefit of making the data migration process a little more straightforward. Read more about the planning process in our free data migration planning guide.