The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard¶

The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) is a comprehensive security standard developed by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP). This framework provides a clear and concise set of guidelines and best practices for assessing and enhancing the security of mobile applications. The MASVS is designed to be used as a metric, guidance, and baseline for mobile app security verification, serving as a valuable resource for developers, application owners, and security professionals.

The objective of the MASVS is to establish a high level of confidence in the security of mobile apps by providing a set of controls that address the most common mobile application security issues. These controls were developed with a focus on providing guidance during all phases of mobile app development and testing, and to be used as a baseline for mobile app security verification during procurement.

By adhering to the controls outlined in the OWASP MASVS, organizations can ensure that their mobile applications are built with security in mind, reducing the risk of security breaches and protecting sensitive user data. Whether used as a metric, guidance, or baseline, the OWASP MASVS is an invaluable tool for enhancing the security of mobile applications.

The OWASP MASVS is a living document and is regularly updated to reflect the changing threat landscape and new attack vectors. As such, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest version of the standard and adapt security measures accordingly.

Mobile Application Security Model¶

The standard is divided into various groups that represent the most critical areas of the mobile attack surface. These control groups, labeled MASVS-XXXXX, provide guidance and standards for the following areas:

Each of these control groups contains individual controls labeled MASVS-XXXXX-Y, which provide specific guidance on the particular security measures that need to be implemented to meet the standard.

MAS Testing Profiles¶

The MAS project has traditionally provided three verification levels (L1, L2 and R), which were revisited during the MASVS refactoring in 2023, and have been reworked as "MAS Testing Profiles" and moved over to the OWASP MASTG. These profiles are now aligned with the NIST OSCAL (Open Security Controls Assessment Language) standard, which is a comprehensive catalog of security controls that can be used to secure information systems.

By aligning with OSCAL, the MASVS provides a more flexible and comprehensive approach to security testing. OSCAL provides a standard format for security control information, which allows for easier sharing and reuse of security controls across different systems and organizations. This allows for a more efficient use of resources and a more targeted approach to mobile app security testing.

However, it is important to note that implementing these profiles fully or partially should be a risk-based decision made in consultation with business owners. The profiles should be tailored to the specific security risks and requirements of the mobile application being developed, and any deviations from the recommended controls should be carefully justified and documented.


When using the MASVS, it's important to keep in mind the following assumptions:

While the OWASP MASVS is an invaluable tool for enhancing the security of mobile applications, it cannot guarantee absolute security. It should be used as a baseline for security requirements, but additional security measures should also be implemented as appropriate to address specific risks and threats to the mobile app.

Security Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling for Mobile Apps¶

The OWASP MASVS assumes that best practices for secure architecture, design, and threat modeling have been followed as a foundation.

Security must be a top priority throughout all stages of mobile app development, from the initial planning and design phase to deployment and ongoing maintenance. Developers need to follow secure development best practices and ensure that security measures are prioritized to protect sensitive data, comply with policies and regulations, and identify and address security issues that can be targeted by attackers.

While the MASVS and MASTG focuses on controls and technical test cases for app security assessments, non-technical aspects such as following best practices laid out by OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) or NIST.SP.800-218 Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) for secure architecture, design, and threat modeling are still important. The MASVS can also be used as reference and input for a threat model to raise awareness of potential attacks.

To ensure that these practices are followed, developers can provide documentation or evidence of adherence to these standards, such as design documents, threat models, and security architecture diagrams. Additionally, interviews can be conducted to collect information on adherence to these practices and provide an understanding of the level of compliance with these standards.

Secure App Ecosystem¶

The OWASP MASVS assumes other relevant security standards are also leveraged to ensure that all systems involved in the app's operation meet their applicable requirements.

Mobile apps often interact with multiple systems, including backend servers, third-party APIs, Bluetooth devices, cars, IoT devices, and more. Each of these systems may introduce their own security risks that must be considered as part of the mobile app's security design and threat modeling. For example, when interacting with a backend server, the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) should be used to ensure that the server is secure and meets the required security standards. In the case of Bluetooth devices, the app should be designed to prevent unauthorized access, while for cars, the app should be designed to protect the user's data and ensure that there are no safety issues with the car's operation.

Security Knowledge and Expertise¶

The OWASP MASVS assumes a certain level of security knowledge and expertise among developers and security professionals using the standard. It's important to have a good understanding of mobile app security concepts, as well as the relevant tools and techniques used for mobile app security testing and assessment. To support this, the OWASP MAS project also provides the OWASP Mobile Application Security Testing Guide (MASTG), which provides in-depth guidance on mobile app security testing and assessment.

Mobile app development is a rapidly evolving field, with new technologies, programming languages, and frameworks constantly emerging. It's essential for developers and security professionals to stay current with these developments, as well as to have a solid foundation in fundamental security principles.

OWASP SAMM provides a dedicated "Education & Guidance" domain which aims to ensure that all stakeholders involved in the software development lifecycle are aware of the software security risks and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to mitigate these risks. This includes developers, testers, architects, project managers, executives, and other personnel involved in software development and deployment.

Applicability of the MASVS¶

By adhering to the MASVS, businesses and developers can ensure that their mobile app are secure and meet industry-standard security requirements, regardless of the development approach used. This is the case for downloadable apps, as the project was traditionally focused on, but the MAS resources and guidelines are also applicable to other areas of the business such as preloaded applications and SDKs.

Native Apps¶

Native apps are written in platform-specific languages, such as Java/Kotlin for Android or Objective-C/Swift for iOS.

Cross-Platform and Hybrid Apps¶

Apps based on cross-platform (Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, etc.) and hybrid (Cordova, PhoneGap, Framework7, Onsen UI, etc.) frameworks may be susceptible to platform-specific vulnerabilities that don't exist in native apps. For example, some JavaScript frameworks may introduce new security issues that don't exist in other programming languages. It is therefore essential to follow the security best practices of the used frameworks.

The MASVS is agnostic to the type of mobile application being developed. This means that the guidelines and best practices outlined in the MASVS can be applied to all types of mobile apps, including cross-platform and hybrid apps.


Preloaded apps are apps that are installed on a user's device at factory time and may have elevated privileges that leave users vulnerable to exploitative business practices. Given the large number of preloaded apps on an average user's device, it's important to measure their risk in a quantifiable way.

There are hundreds of preloads that may ship on a device, and as a result, automation is critical. A subset of MAS criteria that is automation-friendly may be a good basis.


SDKs play a vital role in the mobile app value chain, supplying code developers need to build faster, smarter, and more profitably. Developers rely on them heavily, with the average mobile app using 30 SDKs, and 90% of code sourced from third parties. While this widespread use delivers significant benefits to developers, it also propagates safety and security issues.

SDKs offer a variety of functionality, and should be regarded as an individual project. You should evaluate how the MASVS applies to the used SDKs to ensure the highest possible security testing coverage.

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